How to Grow Multiple Branches in Adenium | Grow Adenium Bushy

how to grow adenium bushy

Adenium flowering one that is native to the Arabian Peninsula and Africa. These plants adapt well to hot climatic temperatures similar to desert conditions. They love the direct sun temperature and also tend to bloom well in them. All the adenium plant needs are well-draining and warm soil along with hot temperatures. The plant is mostly floriferous throughout the warm conditions. There are two methods that we can do to make the adenium bushy.


One of the main concern of many adenium lovers are their plant is having only one stem and which grows up without any other branches. This can be solved by cutting off the stem two inch from caudex by leaving at least two or three leaf nodes. This will make the adenium to grow new shoots from the leaf nodes. The best time to do this when the weather is cool.  To prune grafted adenium plant, make sure to cut about 2 inches from the grafted portion.
If your plant already have two or three branches and you would need more branches, you can cut the existing stems by keeping 2 or 3 inches. fertilize the plant with Bone meal and Compost. Keep the plant in full sun and water daily. This will force the plant to have new shoots within one week. October to December is the best time to prune the plant.

Another method of forcing adenium to grow multiple branches is to cut the stem very close to the caudex. This will create an internal pressure within the plant as the water stored in the caudex cannot flow to the stem. This will force adenium to grow new shoots from the caudex. Use a sterilized knife to do this and keep the plant in shade for two weeks. Watch the below video to know about this more!!

Sunlight and water Requirements

As the name indicates, Adenium is a desert plant and which can survive with less water. You can water the plant according to your country and climate. As I am residing in Kerala, Gods own country, I water them thrice in a week during spring, once in a week during monsoon and winter seasons.

Also, Adenium needs at least six hours of sunlight. This will make the plant to grow and bloom faster. Don't keep adenium indoor as it's not considered as an indoor plant.


Anju Ajin

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