Becoming a mother is the dream of all married women. But it goes on for many reasons. Those planning pregnancy should try during their peak fertility time. Having sex during peak time increases their chances of pregnancy. Peak time refers to days from 10-20 of the period cycle.
How can you know if you are pregnant? You need a pregnancy test to know if you are pregnant. You may suspect that you are pregnant even before your missed period. .Symptoms of early pregnancy include a missed period, needing to pee more often, tender breasts, feeling tired and morning sickness.
Early Pregnancy Symptoms
Missed period
The most common and obvious sign of pregnancy is a missed period. Menstruation occurs regularly in women during the fertile period. But if you don't get your period a week or more after the expected day, there is a chance that you are pregnant. However, it may mislead you if your periods are irregular or your are having PCOD. So don't just look at this symptom and decide that you are pregnant.
Frequent urination
Urinary incontinence is common in women after pregnancy. Feel like urinating more frequently than usual. During pregnancy, the blood level in your body increases, and the kidneys produce extra fluid that goes into the bladder.
Hormonal changes at the beginning of pregnancy are the reason why the belly feels bloated. It will be similar to the experience of menstruation.
Morning sickness
Fatigue and morning sickness are common in early pregnancy. At the beginning of pregnancy, the level of progesterone hormone increases and this can cause sleepiness.
Mood swings
Hormonal changes in the body at the beginning of pregnancy can make you more emotional. This may make you feel depressed. Emotional fluctuations are common during this period.
Higher Basal body temperature
A higher basal body temperature may be a sign of pregnancy. Feeling overheated for 2 weeks or more when you wake in the morning may be an early sign of pregnancy. Following ovulation, your body temperature can be higher than normal. If it doesn’t regulate over the next couple of weeks, this could be a sign of pregnancy.
Sore Breasts
Hormonal changes during early pregnancy can make your breasts tender. Also you will feel pain in the breasts. This discomfort should subside within a few weeks as the body adjusts to the hormonal changes.
Less common signs of Early pregnancy
Mild cramping and spotting
Light spotting is one of the first signs of pregnancy. This is known as implantation bleeding and occurs when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the wall of the uterus. It appears around 10 to 14 days after conception. This type of bleeding is experienced during the menstrual period. Not all women should have it.
Food cravings, constant hunger and food aversions
Another symptom of pregnancy is aversion to favorite foods and craving for foods you don't like. After pregnancy, you may develop an aversion to certain smells and a change in your interest in food. During this period it is natural to feel more fond of some tastes and dislike others. Just like other pregnancy symptoms, this aversion to food is caused by hormonal changes.
Breathing issues
Elevated hormone levels and blood production can cause the lining of the nose to become swollen, dry and bleed more easily. Even if there is stuffy nose and runny nose, the possibility of this is high.
Metallic taste in your mouth
Many people say that they experience a metallic taste in their mouths during the early stages of pregnancy. It may taste like you have a pile of coins in your mouth. This can happen when you eat certain foods or randomly throughout the day.
If you miss your period and notice any of the above symptoms, take a
home pregnancy test. Do the test especially if your periods are
irregular every month. If a home pregnancy test is positive, see a
doctor immediately. Antenatal care should be started as soon as
pregnancy is confirmed.
When to do a home pregnancy test
You can take a pregnancy test as soon as you’ve missed your period. If you think you might be pregnant, the best time to take a home pregnancy test is 1 week after you first miss a period.
Could I have the symptoms of early pregnancy and not be pregnant?
Unfortunately, many of these signs and symptoms are not unique to pregnancy. Some may be a sign of other ailments. Or it could be a sign that your period is about to start. Likewise, you may be pregnant even if you don't experience many symptoms.
Great post! It's always helpful to know what early pregnancy signs to look out for. I also appreciated your recommendation to see a Gynaecologist if there is any uncertainty.